my dog ate my weed


this was not my dog. She had left one of her dogs in the yard. She knew this was a bad idea, but it was too late to do anything about it. She had finished whatever she was doing and was making her way back to the house when she had an idea. She saw three squirrels running toward the house and decided that her dog could be a snack. She got a little dog carrier and put it in the yard.

The video game is a bit out of date, but it’s a good thing. The reason I’m not making a video game is because I hate the people who play them. I hate the people who don’t play games because they’re boring. I dislike them because they’re so mean. They’re annoying, obnoxious, and mean.

And the people who play games are the ones who think being mean is cool. The problem is that being mean is not cool. It’s not cool to be mean. It’s not a good thing to be mean.

If you want to be mean, you need to be smart. I’ve had a great life and I don’t think I’ve ever managed to stay the same. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to stay positive. But I see that I have to come to terms with my own way of trying to be mean.

These are the people who really like my weed. They like to have a little bit of fun and are kind of nice.

These are the ones who really like my weed. They like to have a little bit of fun and are kind of nice.

It’s not the weed that you think is being done to you. You don’t think you have to be happy with your life or even be happy with your body. You think there is no point in changing up the world, you think your life is going to change and that you are going to make it better. You think that you can change your life, but you have to try to stick to it.

What do we know? Our dogs are probably not bad, but we think we should be kind of nice to them.

Just like weed, we know dogs might be bad, but we know they are a huge part of the environment we live in. We are not sure if our dogs are bad, or just bad people, but we should be kind of nice to them. We should treat them with respect, and not just ignore them.

First of all, we love our dogs. Second, we know that our dogs are not bad, and we are not sure if they are bad, or just bad people. We just think we should be kind of nice to them. In this case, we think we should be kind of nice because we have no idea what’s going on and we are, in any case, not going to know what’s going on. We are just going to be ignorant of our own dog’s problems.


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